What's new in FEFLOW 7.1?

FEFLOW 7.1 features a range of new and improved functionalities. This page presents the highlights of the new release in an overview of the most important new features and improvements:

Discrete Feature Elements (Revisions and Extensions)

Discrete Feature Elements (DFEs) have been revisited in order to add usability and computational options.

DFEs are now located in a dedicated panel just as classical finite-element mesh entities are exposed. DFEs parameter edition is now handled in a way similar to what is done with non-DFE mesh element parameters. This simplifies the navigation through the Data Panel and increases substantially the degree of flexibility to create, edit and delete these lower-dimension finite-elements.

The extended computational functionality includes the support of DFE element-matrix element node splitting (for flow, mass, age and heat), as opposed to the standard approach of shared-nodes. This is achieved by allowing exchanges between DFE and matrix element to be ruled through parameterization of a conductance (or exchange) coefficient that is in turn used as additional connection between matrix element and DFE nodes, hereby allowing to control the transfer of fluid, mass, age and heat between matrix elements and DFEs.

Beyond the enhanced control on flow solutions, the dual-node approach also brings more robustness and provides more physical mass/heat transport solutions through added control on matrix-DFE dispersion/diffusion. This new computational approach is expected to bring added value when facing the difficult task of modelling discretely fractured media and karstic systems.

Coupling of Groundwater and Surface Water Processes

A FEFLOW finite-element problem can now be coupled to the state-of-the-art surface water model MIKE 21 Flow Model Flexible Mesh (MIKE21FM) through communication with the MIKEFLOOD model. The coupling features the ability to operate with non-conforming surface and subsurface meshes together with automatic time-stepping and sub-timing with continua dynamic stepsize control. Runtime demand is supported by an optimal, hybrid parallelization model involving OpenMP, MPI and multi-GPU. In addition to the flow coupling, heat transfer and salinity transport are coupled too. Easy workflows for coupled-models setup and 2D/3D results visualization are made available by exploiting the advanced FEFLOW graphics.


FEFLOW's visualization capabilities are enriched by the possibility to display property value surfaces. Based on the information on nodal parameters such as Hydraulic Head, Pressure, Hydraulic-Head BC or Fluid-Transfer BC (but also nodal distributions and expressions), FEFLOW is able to compute the corresponding value surface and to plot it onto the model mesh. This new visualization method is particularly well-designed to plot surface water bodies in 3D views.

Tensorial properties (such as the tensor of hydraulic conductivity) can now be displayed in 2D and 3D using ellipsoids. This allows the user to visualize in a completely revealed way the distributed anisotropy.

Improvements in Mesh Generation

In the context of adding a higher level flexibility for 3D mesh generation and local remeshing, additional options have been introduced. Point add-ins used for 3D unstructured remeshing are now handled by analysing and controlling their proximity to the existing mesh nodes and faces in order to decide whether these points can take part of the remeshing process or not. This helps in significantly reducing the number of nodes/elements in the generated mesh.

The 3D Layer Configurator features extended capabilities for the building 3D finite-element meshes. A new tool allows the automatic generation of gradually varying layer thicknesses when a series of new layers are appended to, or inserted between existing layers. This option is extremely relevant for cases where a variable but progressive vertical refinement is wanted such as with unsaturated-flow models, mass transport problems, among others.

Additional conversion methods have been included in order to support the extended finite-elements types handled by FEFLOW. It is now possible to convert hexahedra into pyramids, tetrahedra into hexahedra, or proceed with local triangles/prisms splits (forming quadrangles/hexahedra).

The migration from an old standard layered model towards either a partially-unstructured or a fully-unstructured model is facilitated by the introduction of a new weighted-interpolation method, which can be used to transfer the information of material properties to the new mesh in a more robust and efficient way.

New Selection Tools

To ensure a maximum flexibility for assigning properties in 3D models (either layered or fully-unstructured), we have extended our panel of selections tools to allow the selection any topological item (nodes, elements, edges and faces) using selections by rectangular region, lasso or polygonal region in a 3D View. When combined with clipping and carving definitions from the Planes Panel, selection tools can now better reach hardly accessible locations of a complex 3D mesh.

The Select Mesh Items by Value selection mode comes to enrich the selection toolbox. This new tool complements the operation of "selection by expression" and any interactive selection tool. It allows for the creation of selection sets based on user-defined reference values of any FEFLOW parameter, and given a (relative or absolute) tolerance and a buffer (level of neighbouring elements) to be considered.

Additional Map Functionalities

The task of adding a map file to the model domain can now be done in an easier way, for map files can simply be dragged-and-dropped onto any location of the graphical interface. For example when a map file is dropped onto the active view, it is automatically displayed.

FEFLOW import/export list now includes the support of *.vtk and *.vtu generic file formats.

Recording of Model Content Information

FEFLOW can record and chart the content of the simulated properties (i.e., the domain integrals) for an arbitrary number of defined elemental selections, and for all problem classes. This feature extends the functionality of the Content Panel by allowing time-dependent contents to be monitored and recorded.

New Scripting Menu and More

The FEFLOW Python interface has generated an increased interest over the past years, for many users found ways to optimise modelling workflows by invoking the Python interface. With this FEFLOW release, scripting capabilities are now directly accessible from the GUI. Scripts can be saved and become part of a FEFLOW document. This allows automatic execution of user-defined scripts when the FEFLOW document is loaded or during simulation.

We have started with the first milestone to control the graphical interface via the Scripting menu. FEFLOW documents can be loaded, manipulated and closed from the new Execute Python command console. Such options will allow the user to modify multiple FEFLOW documents with a few lines of a Python script.

New Features in FePEST

The release of FEFLOW 7.1 also includes additional features associated to our PEST Graphical Interface for FEFLOW models:

Additional Functionality

Programming Interfaces IFM & Python

New functions for budget calculations:


New functions for discrete feature elements:


New functions for accessing parameters:
