Choosing the right PEST operation mode

Immediately after a new FePEST project has been created, the Problem Settings dialog is open automatically. As a first task, the FePEST Operation Mode has to be selected. The table below contains the list of available modes.


Operation mode Description
Estimation PEST runs in parameter estimation mode or - if regularization is active - in regularization mode. Use this option for model calibration.
Prediction PEST runs in predictive analysis mode. Additional settings are required in the Predictive Analysis section.
Pre-calibration Monte Carlo A multiple number of FEFLOW runs is undertaken based on user-defined sample (size and statistical distribution). Each of these realization can be used to calculate the objective function, Jacobian and calibrate the model.
Post-calibration Monte Carlo Similar to the pre-calibration analysis, but now here each realization is projected onto the so-called Null-Space. This provides the user a set of realization of "almost" calibrated parameters. Under these conditions, the user can decide to calculate the objective function, Jacobian or calibrate each sample.
Pareto When an objective is comprised of two or more goals it is often impossible to minimize all of these simultaneously. Instead, one must be minimized at the cost of raising another.
The Pareto Mode contains the functionality for exploring relationship between these multiple observation groups.


The PEST operation mode Regularization has been implemented in FePEST in a different manner. Since regularization methods (Tikhonov, subspace and super parameters) can be applied all the PEST operations, the regularization mode in FePEST has been made available not through the Operation Mode page, rather it has its own section in the Problem Settings dialog


You can find a complete description of each operation mode in its corresponding section in this help system.

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