IFM Constants

Each FEFLOW material property (elemental-based) has its own definition in the IFM Programming Interface. They are distinguished by an unique identified (IfmParamID). The following table shows the list of most common material properties for the problem classes Flow, Mass and Heat. Further details can be found in document.h, which is automatically appended to each plug-in project.

IFM Parameter names can be used under the FEFLOW - Python Interface by using deleting the three letters "ifm" before the parameter name. For example IfmP_COND becomes P_COND if parameter is referred in a Python script.

The FEFLOW Python module ifm offers a sub-module named Enum, which provides easy framework to modify FEFLOW parameters from information stored in Python list. An example is shown below.

import ifm

from ifm import Enum

demo_fem = 'quadri.fem'

doc = ifm.loadDocument(demo_fem)

ne = doc.getNumberOfElements()

souf = []

for e in range(0, ne):


doc.setParamValues(Enum.P_SOUF, souf)


Flow-Related Parameters

IFM Name ID Parameter Full Name
IfmP_COND 100 Transmissivity or conductivity
IfmP_CONDX 101 Conductivity in x-direction for 3D
IfmP_ANIS 102 Anisotropy factor
IfmP_CONDY 103 Conductivity in y-direction for 3D
IfmP_ANGL 104 Anisotropy angle
IfmP_CONDZ 105 Conductivity in z-direction for 3D
IfmP_BOTT 106 Aquifer bottom elevation
IfmP_IOFLOW 107 In/outflow on top or bottom for 3D
IfmP_TOPS 108 Aquifer top elevation
IfmP_DENS 109 Density ratio for 3D and/or thermohaline transport
IfmP_STOR 110 Storativity (drain- or fillable) or density ratio
IfmP_EXPAN 111 Volumetric expansion coefficient for heat transport
IfmP_COMP 112 Storage compressibility
IfmP_SOUF 113 Source/sink for flow
IfmP_TRAF_IN 114 Transfer rate for inflow
IfmP_TRAF_OUT 115 Transfer rate for outflow
IfmP_PM_TYPE 116 Coded parametric unsaturated model type
IfmP_UPORO 117 Porosity (used for unsaturated storativity)
IfmP_MAX_SAT 118 Maximum saturation (Ss)
IfmP_RES_SAT 119 Residual saturation (Sr)
IfmP_FIT_COEFF 120 Fitting coefficient in capillary head (A) or (Alpha)
IfmP_FIT_EXPO 121 Fitting exponent in capillary head curve (n), (B) or (Beta)
IfmP_FIT_EXPO2 122 Fitting exponent or coefficient in relative conductivity curve (delta) or (A)
IfmP_FIT_EXPO3 123 Fitting exponent in relative conductivity curve (B)
IfmP_AEPH 124 Air-entry pressure head
IfmP_TRANS_OLD 125 Formerly defined transmissivity (do not use!!!)
IfmP_TRANS 126 Transmissivity
IfmP_MAX_SAT_D 127 (Ss) - drying curve
IfmP_RES_SAT_D 128 (Sr) - drying curve
IfmP_FIT_COEFF_D 129 (A) or (Alpha) - drying curve
IfmP_FIT_EXPO_D 130 (n), (B) or (Beta) - drying curve
IfmP_FIT_EXPO2_D 131 (delta) or (A) - drying curve
IfmP_FIT_EXPO3_D 132 (B) - drying curve
IfmP_AEPH_D 133 Air-entry pressure head - drying curve
IfmP_ANGLE_PHI 134 Euler phi-angle for general 3D anisotropy of conductivity
IfmP_ANGLE_PSI 135 Euler psi-angle for general 3D anisotropy of conductivity
IfmP_ANGLE_THETA 136 Euler theta-angle for general 3D anisotropy of conductivity
IfmP_INACTIVE_ELE 137 Inactive elements (pseudo material)

Mass-Related Parameters

IFM Name ID Parameter Full Name
IfmP_ATHI 200 Aquifer thickness
IfmP_PORO 201 Porosity
IfmP_SORP 202 Sorption coefficient
IfmP_DIFF 203 Molecular diffusion
IfmP_LDIS 204 Longitudinal dispersivity
IfmP_TDIS 205 Transverse dispersivity
IfmP_DECA 206 Decay rate
IfmP_SOUT 207 Source/sink for transport
IfmP_TRAT_IN 208 Transfer rate for influxing transport
IfmP_TRAT_OUT 209 Transfer rate for outfluxing transport
IfmP_SORP2 210 Additional sorption coefficient for the Freundlich or Langmuir isotherm
IfmP_DECA2 211 Additional reaction coefficient for Michaelis-Menten mechanism
IfmP_DISP_BETA 212 Additional dispersion coefficient for nonlinear dispersion
IfmP_MULT_DENS 213 Multiple (species-dependent) density ratio
IfmP_SOLFRAC 214 Solid-volume fraction (used instead of porosity for solid-phase species)

Heat-Related Parameters

IFM Name ID Parameter Full Name
IfmP_ATHIH 300 Aquifer thickness (heat)
IfmP_POROH 301 Porosity (heat)
IfmP_CAPACS 302 Volumetric heat capacity of solid
IfmP_CONDUCS 303 Heat conductivity of solid
IfmP_LDISH 304 Longitudinal thermo-dispersivity
IfmP_TDISH 305 Transverse thermo-dispersivity
IfmP_SOURCF 306 Heat source/sink of fluid
IfmP_SOURCS 307 Heat source/sink of solid
IfmP_TRAH_IN 308 Thermo-transfer rate for influxing transport
IfmP_TRAH_OUT 309 Thermo-transfer rate for outfluxing transport
IfmP_CAPACF 310 Volumetric heat capacity of fluid
IfmP_CONDUCF 311 Heat conductivity of fluid
IfmP_ANISH 312 Anisotropy factor of solid heat conductivity

Table of Contents



