Age-Transport Boundary Conditions - Overview

In general, age-transport boundary conditions are similar to their counterparts in mass transport (see mass-transport boundary conditions).

The boundary conditions are named differently depending on what age species they refer to.


Symbol Boundary Condition Short Description Application

Age-concentration BC

Fixed groundwater age

Known groundwater age not equal to 0 [d] at inflowing boundary

LTE-concentration BC

Fixed lifetime expectancy

Known lifetime expectancy not equal to 0 [d] at outflowing boundary

Probability BC

Fixed exit probability

Typically exit probability of 1[-]  at the outflowing boundary that is targeted

Only 1st kind (Dirichlet) boundary conditions are typically used for groundwater age calculation. Other boundary condition types are supported for expert applications, but now shown by default. They may be added via the context menu of the corresponding age species entry in the boundary conditions section of the Data panel.

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